Wednesday, 6 May 2015

BBC News at Six

Basic details
1. BBC stands for British Broadcasting Corporation
2. The BBC is funded via the TV License fee
3. The mission statement is to inform, educate, and entertain
4. The remit is to be the most popular programme out of the BBC programmes.
5. The BBC News at Six fits into the remit by having some interesting stories as well as       stories that may affect their audience.

1. The presenters are George Alagiah and Sophie Raworth
2. The presenters would often be wearing smart clothing such as a suit but may not wear a tie for a casual appearance which could suggest that the BBC News at 6 is targeted at a younger audience most preferably young teenagers.
3. A TV news programme may use a variety of presenters to show diversity in the news studio as well as maybe change it up so viewers don't have to see the same people presenting time and time again.
4. Other presenters are used to cover different stories such as the different topics and interviews that are in location to cover a lot of stories.
5. There isn't much equality on gender as males still mainly have most of the positions. There also doesn't seem to be a diversity in the ethnicity of the presenters as they are mainly white.

Opening sequence
1. The very first shot is of the presenter who is about to introduce the top heading of today.
2. The opening sequence uses graphics to make the news look more visually appealing as well as show some basic information such as images related to the story.
3. Music is used at the background as a dramatic touch to the stories making the news seem very important.
4. The opening has the presenter talking about the story over footage that links to it as the stories which will show what will happen later on the show. There are also graphics that make it look better for each story and the small segment on sports before getting to the introduction of the logo. 

Studio mise-en-scene

What aspects of the studio can be seen by the audience? Some cameras are shown as the reporter is being filmed.
Are the presenters standing or behind desks? Why do you think this is? The reporter is standing up with the background of nature and this may be to keep the audiences attention on.
Are journalists or technology visible? What might these things suggest to the audience? Technology is only visible when it's purposely being shown possibly to emphasis the fact the the news is recent.
How does the studio use colour? It uses red and blue at all times.

How news stories are presented

How does the news programme typically present a story?  It uses presenters and voice overs but also images.
What difference techniques does the programme use to present the news? (E.g. presenter to camera, reporter on location, interviews, graphics, images, video etc.) Presents are more formal than usual but they are at real locations which is different. Images and graphics were typical like every other news story.
What types of news does the TV News programme typically cover? Give five examples (e.g. politics, international, sport etc.) They usually cover politics and sports.
Give two real examples of how news stories are presented to keep the interest of the audience.
The Scottish international party and female football.

Running order

Watch the first 15 minutes of the programme – as recent as you can find.
What is the top story? The top story is the Scottish international party
How long does the top story last for? About 10 mins
What are the other stories the programme does or will cover? List them in the order they are presented in (the ‘running order’). They also cover sports. Female football.
How long is each story shown for? Usually about 5-10 minutes depending on how important they are.Why do you think each story was shown for the time it was? I think the most important stories are usually shown for the longest.


What is the target audience for this BBC News at Six? Research online – you should be able to find plenty of suggestions to the target audience if not the official target audience of the programme. Around 35 year olds.  
What are the viewing figures for BBC News at Six?   9.6 million on average per week.
Why might someone choose to watch this TV news programme over others? It has a great amount of different news stories about the world we live in and many will find that useful to engage in.
Is there an opportunity for the audience to get involved in the programme or comment? They can get involved on social network such as twitter.
What audience pleasures (Uses and Gratifications theory – Blumler and Katz) does the programme offer? People get to know what is happening around the world.


What other news programmes and services does the BBC offer in addition to the BBC News at Six?
BBC Three
BBC Four
BBC News Channel
BBC Parliament
BBC World News
What role does OFCOM have in making sure TV News is fair and accurate? It makes sure that news, in whatever form, is reported with due accuracy and presented with due impartially.

TV News and New/Digital Media

Does the TV News programme have a dedicated website?
Yes it does. 
What does the website offer viewers?
You can find all the information you need if u missed it on TV or if you don't like watching the news on TV.
Does the TV News programme have a Twitter feed?
Yes it does. 
How does the Twitter feed promote the programme?
The audience can interact with the live programme and also give their own opinions and comments about the stories. 
Is there an opportunity for the audience to get involved in the programme or submit news stories?
Yes, you can use hashtags to upload any citizen journalism 

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